

Friday, May 17, 2024

AI Away

All this AI stuff freaks me out. To be fair, it has done some amazing things to help researchers solve problems, etc. 

But then you turn to the creative side. I've been on Deviantart almost 15 years, posting my art regularly. But recently artists have been leaving in droves for a number of reasons. Especially because Deviantart has pretty much turned its attention from real artists to AI artists. It features people who are selling AI art, which is made by a program built on the stolen artwork from people who have worked countless hours on honing their craft.  It's disgusting that Deviantart has become a place that supports people who don't do art, and instead steal art from others. I'd join the droves of real artists that are leaving, but I don't know of anywhere better to go. And how long would it take to transfer over ten years worth of artwork?But I still regularly consider it.

And then people are trying to use AI to write tv shows and such, which lets them fire the real writers who have always done it (previous post about it). It's at the point where there's mass speculation (no idea how much evidence there is, but I can definitely see their point) that Disney used AI to write Wish. Disney.

And of course, welcome to the world where people can use AI to take the faces and voices of other people and use them to make whatever they want. Thinking of people making videos using me, or using AI to copy my writing style makes my skin crawl. 

It's such a freakish world we live in where anyone can fake anything.

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