

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Coco Live

When I went to the Ghibli concert, there was a poster outside of the concert hall that caught my eye. They would be playing Coco, and the soundtrack would be performed live by the symphony. I'd been tempted to attend a live soundtrack for a while. I'd seen them for Star Wars, and other big-name movies. I never expected to stumble across a playing of Coco. So I knew I would be returning to the hall again.

It was so fun. And not just because of the live music, but because of the massive, excited audience. Their cheers got me so pumped up that I wasn't even tempted to cry. 

Not only did they play all of the background music and guitar accompaniment, but they even played some of the little musical sound-effects from various musicians in the movie. 

I noticed songs that I'd never really paid much attention to, because they're not on the soundtrack. I wonder why they leave off so many little bits of music. Are they just too short, or simple? 

The conductor had a computer screen above the score. The screen marked the downbeat of each bar, so he could keep exact time with the film.

I wonder how they get film audio that only has the spoken and sung words. Is there some way to separate the layers of audio? Or is it something that's saved as a copy when the movie is made? I have no idea how that kind of stuff works!

It was great. It would be fun to see other movies with a live soundtrack.

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