

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Well, Ellen, Nicole, Kelly, Stephanie, Brian, and a whole bunch of other people I know (or don't know) went to a Fanime convention in San Jose. I'd never been to one before. It was 4 days long. It was based off Japanese anime (cartoons), manga (comics) and video games. There were a lot of really cool shops. And everyone dresses up! I dressed up as MIdna. I'll have to put up one of the pictures of me. But if I go back next year, it will only be for one day. To look at the shops. Because I only know 6 things anime. So, most of the convention made absolutely no sense to me at all.
Let's see. The list of stuff I knew at Fanime:
Legend of Zelda Games.
Miyazaki Movies
Cardcaptors series
+ Anima manga
Wolf's Rain (that Ellen made me watch and was REALLY DEPRESSING at the end)
Well, I guess I know Super Smash Brothers too. So, make that 7.

Nicole's threatening to send me a whole list of stuff to watch. She sent me one already, but everything she's recommended so far, I didn't really like. So, I didn't watch more than a few episodes of them. Maybe this list she sends me will be more to my taste. Because Nicole, I will NOT watch it if I don't like it. Or if it's dirty or something. But if I like them, I'm more than happy to watch them.

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