

Friday, June 5, 2009

Crazy Drivers

So, I may have mentioned this. I don't like driving. Call me old fashioned, but I'd rather have a horse. My theory is that if you have a car racing towards a cliff, it won't stop. But if a horse is racing towards a cliff, it will stop. Horses can reason. Even if they don't have the speed and endurance of a car...
Maybe it's because of all the crazy drivers on the road. I'm a very paranoid driver. I stay within the speed limit. And people zoom by me all the time on the days I commute to school. And then there are people who drive about 35 mph on the freeway. That's not good either. And then there's the people who just drive like maniacs. They cut people off, force themselves through gaps between cars that a horse would balk at, and swerve around at the last minute. I hate people who drive like that. New rule. If anyone drives like that around me, my dragon will lift their car, dump the people out of it, and crumple their car into a ball of tin. People who drive like maniacs don't deserve a car. And they risk other people's lives too.
Then there's those people who have a family of... like 3 people, and they get one of those monstrous gas-guzzling cars that's more like a tank, (like those ugly hummers! Ugh!) so they think they own the road and can do what ever the #$@%&*#@$ they want and take up 2 parking spaces and be jerks.

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