

Monday, November 25, 2013


Okay, I did another long environment post.
So now I'm gonna do one for fun.
(After a brief, disbelieving comment about Wednesday. Would you believe it? On my way home on the train, after my last day of class. And for the third time this semester, the train stopped and everyone was kicked out. And I got kicked out at THE EXACT SAME STOP as the other two times. What's the deal? This never happened the four years I was in college. And now 3 times in one semester? I had to take the bus home... Maybe there's something near that train stop that's calling to me. But I walked around there a couple weeks ago, and didn't find anything)

Anyway, moving on.
I like writing about new movies that I see. I've been trying to avoid it, since I don't want to comment on every new thing I see, but I'll go for it tonight since I've been going on an involuntary movie splurge.

I saw Catching Firs yesterday. I've got to say, I'm really impressed about how the Hunger Games movies stay so faithful to the books. Usually they love to add and change a bunch of stuff in movie versions (I'm still really dubious about the Hobbit movies for this reason).

Today I went to see The Book Thief with Mom and her brother.
Another good movie.
I like the snowball fight in the basement. ^-^
You know, Geoffrey Rush is great. I like him more every time I see him in something.
He makes an awesome pirate.
He's in Finding Nemo (favorite Pixar movie).
His version of Javert in the non-musical Les Mis is a bit different, but still great. Every now and then, I get random scenes from movies/manga/ex stuck in my head. And one of them is the scene where Javert is captured by the Revolution. Valjean walks in and sees him tied up. When Javert talks to him, the defeat and hopelessness for some reason really hit me.
He's great in The King's Speech.
And I really liked him in this movie too.
The main family reminded me of Anne of Green Gables. His character was kind of like Matthew. Hans and Matthew are both great characters.

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