

Saturday, May 14, 2016

I Shouldn't be Surprised

I'm leaving for Europe on Thursday.
And my advisers knew that.
I told them that I had to take my exams before I left, and so I started studying. Spent a few weeks doing little else but study. And I kept checking in to see when the exams would happen, and I wasn't getting anything. And I was getting more and more frustrated because I still have a ton of crud left to do to prepare for a month out of the country, and I was running out of time for my exams. Finally we decided that Friday (yesterday) was the last possible day I could take my exams, and still have time to finish them. So, I kept studying, reading my many many resources that I'd need for my exams.
Only to learn mid way through Friday that the exams weren't happening.
Weeeell, there goes several weeks of my life spent stressing when I could have been doing something that actually mattered...

I can't say I'm surprised. They keep finding new ways to drive me totally insane.

I don't understand people. I really don't understand them. Are they doing this on purpose? Or are they that oblivious to how much this is screwing me up?

Well, at the very least, I get to spend my last days in the country tying up all my loose ends. I might even get to hang out with people. --_--
At least I won't be totally stressed by exams and advisers right before I have to leave. Because I'm going to completely ignore their existence until I'm home.

And on a bright note, Nicole finished grad school! OH MY GOD, NICOLE! CONGRATULATIONS!

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