

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Naming Pains

I mentioned earlier that I've been trying to give names to some magical phenomena in my stories.
So far, I've just been using basic, boring phrases to refer to these things. But some of these things deserve a name of their own.

I have two tools to help me in cases like this. They're both huge fat books.
One is called the "Word Menu." It lists different categories of words. Like words involving landscapes, or music, or religion. It's great for brainstorming. Though there are a couple subjects that it is very lacking in.
It has brief definitions too, to help with more obscure words.

The other is a big "Synonym Finder."
Pretty much a thesaurus.

Both of these help me find more poetic words relating to certain subjects.
It only took me several weeks... I thought it would take less than a week. --_--
But I finally finished!

First of all, in my world there are two methods of "teleporting." One is to open a sort of doorway through the air. I've always just been calling them doorways. But that can get confusing if you're thinking about a normal door in a house. Plus it's boring. So now they are called "driftways."
That was the easiest. I figured that out in one night.

In Evva's story, one character damages her magic. Like someone can sprain their leg or ruin their confidence, magic can also be damaged if it's used improperly.
"Rivven magic."
A sort of twist from the word "riven," which means to tear something.

There are corrupted spirits in the story. I had a couple phrases for them, but they just ended up awkward and clunky after a while. I wanted something better to describe a corrupted spirit.
It was over a week before I had an epiphany.
I was trying to distinguish the corrupted spirits from demons, which are the generic "evil spirits" in the world. But then I realized that most demons used to be normal spirits until they were corrupted in some way. So there really wasn't any need to distinguish them.
So, this one didn't get a new word. I just fell back on an old word. Now they're just demons. Although they became demons only very recently.

And finally for the last one. This took me weeks to figure out. It was a pain. But it's so important in my stories that I had to get the right phrase.
The mages have animal partners which help amplify and stabilize magic, and so much more. I didn't want to use the term "familiar." That has too many connections with the "witchcraft" of our world. Plus it doesn't really convey that intimacy I want between a human mage and their animal partner.
I've always just called them "animal partners." But that's so dull.
I filled a whole page with brainstorm names. In small print. Nothing clicked.
Then I started thinking about other languages. My mom knows a few Sanskrit relating to yoga and meditation, so that was perfect. I needed one relating to energy, or the heart, or anything along those lines.
And I think this is what I'm going to go with. "Anahata." It's the Sanskrit word for the heart chakra.

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