

Friday, May 5, 2023

A Big Name Change

I've been thinking for a long time about changing the name of my Pokémon fanfic. I resisted for a while, but it was inevitable. The name never fit. It came from an old idea that was too overdone-all that "chosen one" stuff, which I luckily left out. There are some good "chosen ones" out there, but it's no good for what I have. 

It took a long time to build up the courage to decide that I was really going to change the name. After all, I'd been using it (goes to check my fanfic account) since 2009. 

And then I actually had to come up with the new name. I did tons of brainstorming. I wanted to keep "Path" in there somewhere, since that's usually how I referred to it, and I like the imagery of the path, both literal, and figurative. For all my brainstorming, nothing seemed quite right. And then randomly something popped into my head. "Sheltering Path." That was more like it. It implies protecting and caring for. Which is something they certainly have to learn about on their journey (from naive kids who have no business raising a Gyarados, but do anyway, until they gain the strength to help protect those around them, and even challenge the common ways of catching Pokémon). 

So, I just went through my documents and websites and changed all of the titles from "Path of the Chosen" to "Sheltering Path." It's now official!

We'll see how it goes!

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