

Friday, January 5, 2024

So, the Zoo

I've had to explain this so many times that I've resisted writing it on the blog. 

I loved working at the zoo. I never wanted to leave. But for over two years, my boss had been bullying me. Accusing me of things I hadn't done and making up ways to get me in trouble. Finally he submitted an official report against me because I didn't understand a new schedule, which he didn't explain to anyone (It was a deliberate setup-it was so obvious). 

And Human Resources wouldn't do anything about it. Because they're also incompetent. The lady is nice, but doesn't do anything to help anyone. And the guy has very unprofessional behavior - for example he spent a couple minutes shouting at me for something he knew wasn't my fault. Then he stopped and told me it wasn't my fault. Then he continued shouting at me again.

Unfortunately the upper management is extremely corrupt. The director hires her friends for ridiculously high-paying jobs where they don't really do anything (they're posted on the public tax papers- one rich friend gets paid over 100,000 a year to hand out parking passes and answer questions). My boss is one of those people. I worked under him for over five years, and I still have no idea what he does. Nor does anyone else. Which is why everyone says that nothing will happen to him, even though he's done stuff that should get him fired. (The director also doesn't do anything)

In October, I left. I was so stressed that I'd often have trouble sleeping. I miss the animals so much. Especially my goat buddies!

Luckily people are banding together finally, to fight this mess. Because I'm not the only one who's suffered because of all the rot in there. I'm just one of many. 

So, I'm trying to use this as an opportunity. Beyond a trip to Europe (where I volunteered at a wildlife rescue for a couple weeks in Italy). 

Let's see how it goes.

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