

Thursday, December 18, 2008

The Language of Thoughts

So, I don't know if I've said much about the Language of Thoughts on the blog. Thought Language is a sort of telepathy used on Magic-Earth and Soreina. Animals use it to talk to each other, and humans can use it too. Most people can use it, but some humans have suppressed this natural ability to speak to other species without words. It works just as well over great distances as it does if you're sitting right next to the creature you're speaking to. And though animals on Technology-Earth (the planet you're sitting on right now) can use it, most humans here can't.
So, I thought I'd talk about why I like the Language of Thoughts so much that it keeps showing up in my stories. Well, partly because I love the idea animals being able to communicate with people. But, here we go.
So, part one. Native americans and other such humans have tales about speaking to spirits and even trees and animals. Not using their mouth the way we think of talking, but something deeper. Something similar to the Language of Thoughts.
Part two. Animals seem to have that much-debated sixth sense. I've read countless tales and seen other examples myself. Dogs that always know a minute before their human comes home, even if it's at an irregular hour. Animals that can sense the approach of storms and get out of the way, or even warn humans about the storms. Some animals understand human speech. And then there are stories of pets who get separated from their human families and travel sometimes hundreds of miles, maybe even to a place they've never been before to become reunited with their friends. There's even one story of a dog who climbed on a boat and rode to a DIFFERENT COUNTRY (there's 2 really cool books about amazing things animals have done. I'll tell you the titles-"The Strange World of Animals and Pets" by Gaddis and "The Psychic Power of Animals" by Schul. I know the last one sounds weird, but it's still pretty cool). Animals aren't stupid. I HATE it whenever anyone says that. Just because they can't use computers doesn't mean they're not smart. They have a very different sort of intelligence than we do, and if we ever tried to match their type of intelligence we'd find ourselves positively stupid. They can think, reason, and show emotions just like humans. Koko, a gorilla, learned sign language and was able to hold an intelligent conversation with a human. I saw a video of an elephant painting a picture. I'll post this on the blog once I'm done raving.
And whether or not you chose to believe it, there are people out there who claim to be pet psychics. They're sort of the people I used to base the Language of Thoughts after.
Now, I'll tell you about a book. I found it at a thrift store. It doesn't have an exact plot, and there are some seemingly random ramblings throughout the short book. It's not EXCITING exactly, but in its own way, it's FASCINATING. I've heard several people say that this little book has changed their life. I'm one of them.
It's called "Kinship with all Life" by J. Allen Boone. If any of you happen to read this and want to learn more, you're more than welcome to ask me. Or, you could look up the works of Penelope Smith.
Okay, I think I'm done. I'll post a couple videos proving my point that animals are AWESOME!

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