

Sunday, September 6, 2009


Heheh. I'm so happy that people are actually posting! Thanks, Ellen.
So, I've been working hard on editing "Of Spirits and Demons." And Ellen and I have been working on "Moon Dragon."
So, now I'll put up some information of a dragon-like creature that I've seen around. It's called and Amphithere. Heres the info I've found on it. And once again, I've forgotten where it came from. Sigh. Either way, it was one of the first few results when I searched for "Amphithere" on the internet.

The amphithere is a dragon similar to the wyvern. This dragon only has wings, and no other limbs. The wyvern, however, has legs whilst the amphithere has none. Most people don’t consider the amphithere to be a dragon of its own. Instead, they are called "winged wurms" and "wyverns". The amphithere usually has feathery wings, but a few have been recalled to have bat-like wings. This dragon lives mostly in Mexico, where it lives in ancient ruins and hidden temples. This amphithere eats llamas. But you can also find its moth-like winged relatives that dwell in northern America and live on buffalo. These amphitheres are often mistaken for giant moths. Both kinds dwell among lakeside reeds and offshore islands. When they are adults, they are about 45 feet long and 5 to 10 feet tall.
Some unique features of the ampithere are the sparkling gold feathers, its feathery tail, its hypersensitive eyesight, the feathery frill around its neck, its serpentine body and its very large wings. The ampithere uses its long snake-like tail to "strangle’ and then pick up and carry off their unfortunate prey. The amphithere is usually green with some blue. The amphithere uses its fiery breath to toast enemies. Its other attacks include the tail lash and constriction.
The Aztecs worshipped the ampithere, as did the Mexicans. But Europeans considered this dragon to be evil, and that it created chaos. The amphithere was believed to have also made fear in the person who saw it. These dragons are very rare, even though they were worshipped. These dragons actually prefer not to fight whenever possible. They are poor fighters, as they have only fire and tails to fight with. They prefer to dwell in areas in which they are protected and are safe from most dangers.
The ampithere is believed to have hypnotic powers, so you must be careful that you do not look into its eyes. In the Greek myth of Hercules, it is the ampithere’s teeth that make men spring from the ground instantly. The ampithere is believed to have at least 2 tongues. One is forked and the other is similar to ours.

And here's pictures.

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