

Friday, July 4, 2014


Got back from our train trip to Reno today. I may write a blog post about the dessert. I'll see. but we did see some wild horses~

We were on the train all day, so we didn't do much for 4th of July, except climb on the roof to look for fireworks. The trees blocked anything close enough to appreciate though.

We did get to see a parade from the train though. And watched some stuff on TV as I cut out fabric pieces for a new project.
And I got a lot of writing done on the train~ I think I have officially finished the first part of the book (it sucks, but it's a first draft so it's supposed to suck). Now I need to skip six years, so I must reset my mind. And Ashlyn's mind too. Now I also need to get into the minds of the two other main characters.

When we got home from the train, I wanted to move around some. I biked down the hill and made it to the bottom, just a block away from the library. Now I know I can bike downtown any time I want! Whoo!
Now I'll have to test it out for real.
Now I'm half tempted to tackle tome of the hills behind my house. Those are all pretty steep though. Most of them will be as tough as my hill. I should probably wait a while. Though it might be interesting to bike to band or my creative writing class (probably illogical though, since they're night classes).

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