

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Anyone Want to Write a Guide Book?

There was this great book I got a while ago, called "The Writer's Guide to Psychology."
It explained things in a simple way, so that a writer could include accurate information in their stories.
Because it's very frustrating when you're reading a book with information that is blatantly wrong.

Books like this a fantastic idea.
I wish they would have a book like this for every topic.

Especially for cultures.

I stumbled across a Youtube channel where there's a married couple, and they talk about the cultural differences between their homelands. I've learned some great stuff from them.
They explain simple differences, which I have not been able to find in books.

The books I've found will tell you about history, or locations, of architecture, ex.
But they never explain how the people react to certain things, or their interesting views on different topics.
That's what I really want to know more about, since there are plenty of books about locations and history. It would be such an awesome resource in portraying other countries.

Plus it's always great to try to understand people who are different than you.

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