

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Books that Send you Outside

Miyazaki often says that he wants his movies to inspire people to go outside and play.

I've found that most of the books I've read that make me want to go out and do stuff are nonfiction.
For example, that Braiding Sweetgrass book I wrote about a while ago.
Also the Tom Brown Jr. Books.
These both make me want to get out in the woods and explore.

Though I just reread a fiction book that I read years ago.
It's I guess a middle grade book? It's called Chasing Vermeer. It's actually very fascinating (I got the idea for the last post from it too). Reading it, I really wanted to go to an art museum. I borrowed a massive art book from my mom and flipped through the whole thing.

Anyway, I hope I can write in a way that inspires people to go out and explore, or make things.

Wolverine, cleaning his toes.

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