

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Star Wars Under Disney

Here's the thing about the new Star Wars movie. Mostly episodes 7-9.
I liked the main heroes. Especially Finn and Rose (though Rose didn't get to do anything in that last movie). I liked Poe and Rey too.

But I didn't like the plots of the movies.
I imagine I wrote about it in the past? I don't remember. But they basically took all of the progress made in the previous movies and threw it in the trash. I hate it when people do that.
My favorite part of the first six Star Wars was the end of Return of the Jedi, when everyone is celebrating because they've finally won after some 20 years.
And they basically said that none of that mattered. Luke and everyone didn't even get to enjoy one generation of peace before things were brought down worse than ever.

And Kylo Ren.

Okay, this seems like a random digression, but it fits in. I promise.
You know Vanellope from Wreckit-Ralph? Well, at one point she says to Ralph, "Enjoy your tantrum, diaper baby?"

Well, that's exactly what I want to say to Kyle Ren. Enjoy your tantrum, diaper baby?
He never scared me. He was like a whiny baby Darth Vader. Darth Vader was at least menacing. (SPOILERS) I didn't like Ren until the end. And then he died immediately after, so I didn't even get to enjoy that for more than a couple minutes.

About the other Disney Star Wars, I liked Rogue One. I didn't think Solo was very good though. They tried to do way too much in that movie.

However I am watching the Mandalorian. That's fun so far. I'm about half way through the first season.
The baby is super cute. Of course. It's so funny (and endearing) to have this hardened bounty hunter traveling around with that little guy. I hope we get to see his face. Is his name Mando? Or is that just a reference to him being a Mandalorian?

I signed up for Disney Plus less than a week ago.
That short, Kitbull, is so good. It made me cry. Both times I watched it. TT^TT

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