

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Evil Dolls

For some reason, my last two stories have had some really strange dolls in them.
In Evva's story, one character has a collection of those expensive realistic dolls in beautiful outfits. She can make them move around. It freaks the hell out of Evva.
The dolls are symbolic, by the way.
Also creepy.

And in Arrin's story, there's a doll too. A cute little rag doll. I need to design what it looks like, because it's important. But anyway, that doll has a sad secret.

I don't know how I ended up with two weird doll scenarios in two different stories. I like dolls. I've made a number of dolls.

On the top left, my character Reein, followed by my character Pinyon. Then Midna, from Legend of Zelda. And the bottom middle is Waka from Okami, and Ling from Fullmetal Alchemist (the first doll/plush I made). I've made many others, but I've either sold or gifted them.
I also own a lot of stuffed animals. Some I've made, and some I've bought.

But I've never bought a doll. No way. Not me. I certainly wouldn't buy dolls of Disney characters.

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