

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

First Kiss

Okay, it took about 24 hours for me to realize it. But I think I just wrote the first actual kiss scene I've ever put in a story?
I don't know what it says about me that it took this long to add a scene like that. Or that it took me a full day to realize that it was the first time.
Though to be fair, my stories really don't have much romance in them.
This kiss isn't even for any of the main characters XD

There's kisses on the forehead and stuff, but this is a real kiss XD
It doesn't have a happy ending.
And that forehead kiss I mentioned? Also doesn't have a happy ending (though it's a goodbye kiss, so I guess that's to be expected).
Huh. I didn't realize that was becoming a theme. It's not like any kisses have traumatized me. I better make sure to break that theme for the next in-story kiss, whenever it happens.

Random Zoooo tangent~~
Speaking of kisses

The sifaka lemurs got a kissing booth on Valentines day. They're so freaking cute. They're one of my top 3 favorite zoo animals.
Here are a couple more pictures of them.

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