

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Last Line

The last line of Evva's story never really popped out at me. It just felt like a typical ending.
But as I was editing the first few chapters, an idea popped into my head. A new last line.
And it fits perfectly with the title of the story!
Whoo, I love those magic ideas that pop into your head.

Black rhino
I love these photos! Let me explain. Many animals have an organ on top of their mouth that helps them smell. That's why snakes stick their tongues out - to pull smell onto that organ. Cats, horses, giraffes, and rhinos have this organ too. So when they smell something really good, they open their mouth (that stink-face cats make) to smell it better. That's what this rhino is doing!
Look at that big kissy face!

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