

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

So Good to have Feedback

I recently learned that one of my zoo buddies studied creative writing in college. I asked if she wanted to do a critique exchange and I sent her the first chapter of Evva's story.
Plenty of people say they'll read one of my chapters, and half or more never do. So I was thrilled that a few days later I received a long email full of questions and comments.
She even singled out one detail and asked if it was going to be an important theme. She was right!

Aaah, it's so great to get feedback from someone who can catch stuff like that!

She said she wants to read the next chapter too! Even better!If this goes on, it's going to make me edit faster to keep up with her. XD
Good motivation, in many ways.

Have some magellenic penguins.

The white penguin with his girlfriend. And their chick is on one of the photos too! (these are from a few months ago)

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