

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Which Fantasy World Would You Live In?

I just saw a post that asked which fantasy world you would rather live in: Pokémon or Zelda. 

I quickly decided Pokémon. Why? Because the Zelda worlds always seem torn by war! Look at Breath of the Wild! Everything is in ruins, and no one can travel anywhere without fear of getting attacked. Those guardians are utterly terrifying. Not to mention lynels and other things. Don't get me wrong. Breath of the Wild is a fantastic game. But I would never want to live there. 

In contrast, in the Pokémon world you can raise, befriend, and train very powerful and sentient creatures. There may be some dangerous things, but you  have a team of powerful Pokémon on your side to protect you. 

Of course you could make this question even more interesting by opening it up to other fantasy worlds. Which one would you want to live in? There seem to be infinite options. 

It's not just the danger and the magical creatures you need to consider. It's also the people and their society. For example, the humans in Steven Universe are remarkably accepting of anyone "different." Most of the fantasy worlds I've read in books are not that way. It seems like almost all of them have societies that are sexist, or racist, or something else.

If I were to live in a fantasy world, the choice is easy. It's also kind of cheating. I'd want to live in the world of my stories. Because I design my worlds specifically to be a place I want to live XD

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