

Monday, December 27, 2021

Accidental Depth

 I was watching an audio commentary, I think on Atlantis. The two guys were talking about a scene that foreshadowed a later part of the film. The other guy said he hadn't noticed that foreshadowing before. And they started wondering if the foreshadowing scene had actually been planned, or if it slipped in unknown, saying, "are we smart, or was that an accident?" 

 It's amazing when that happens. I'm sure I've done stuff accidentally that ended up being telling. I wonder if it's subconscious, or just totally random. It occurs to me that Bob Ross would call it a happy accident.

Anyway, sometimes viewers or readers notice things that the creators never noticed. Like those things that are accidentally clever. They do say that any interpretation is valid. And while I don't actually agree with that, this could explain part of that statement XD

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