

Friday, April 24, 2009

Care of Dragons?

This is something I never mentioned. Not that it's really important.
I blame Stephanie.
She had me sign up for this website called acorn rack where people make games. Role play games. I had no idea what they were until I tried one. So, it's a lot like what Ellen and I are doing for our story,. Moon Dragon. You and your partner switch off writing stuff. It was called "Concerning the care of Dragons" And they had a bunch of dragon species. Some of them were actually pretty cool looking. Maybe I can find the pictures I salvaged...
I tried writing a couple stories with people on that site, but after a while, the two people I tried writing with sort of... disappeared. It wasn't exactly a big site. Only about 10 people? And apparently the person who made it stopped doing stuff with it, so it died. Sigh. My first RP experience wasn't too good. But I like the one I'm doing with Ellen! It's fun cause I never know what she's gonna write.
Steph is trying to make a couple games on Acorn Rack. I think I mentioned this already, a while ago. I said I helped her, but I didn't know what a RP game was when she told me that's what she was making, so I had no idea what I was doing. I was throwing out all these random ideas that (against my knowledge) were completely irrelevant to RP games. Sorry Steph! How are you coming on those games? I'll try playing again if you finish!

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