

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Under what mask?

KWAA! This is driving me slightly crazy.
For Under the Masks... I don't know what to do. I mean, I know what to do, but I don't know what to do.
See this is the story I was gonna write with Stephanie (And I bet you're reading this. Hey Steph, I'm gonna send you an email, so check, OK?)
So, either way, I planned the story to include some of Step's REALLY COOL creatures. I got her to put some on the blog a while ago. And again, now I'm on my own with this story (sorry to keep bringing this up, Steph. I should just shut up bout it.) And it feels so strange using Steph's creatures since she's not working on it with me... and I feel kinda bad for using them but now I can't figure out a way to substitute anything else for them... And it would require a lot of changing. And this story has undergone so much changing already... no kidding. I've been screwing with this poor thing for a few years, changing and changing it back, adding a bit more, going back and changing it again. If I ever end up finishing it, it's going to need MAJOR editing. But I've made it so long already that I don't want to abandon it... and there's some cool stuff in it. It's not exactly BAD, but just a bit broken.
But I don't know if I should try to make my own mask creatures or if I should just get rid of the mask idea altogether and do something else...
Bla. Maybe I'll think about that tonight while I'm trying to fall asleep... Actually I'd better go to sleep now. Good night.

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