

Sunday, August 28, 2011

The End of the WORLD... Or at Least Summer

So, yeah. School started on Thursday. So much stuff I didn't finish.
Anyway, Jenny came over tonight and I showed her how to make a plushie. I made her a base for Yellow a while ago, so she finally got to make her. I'm giong to try to make a Midna plushie. I started making the pattern this evening. She's going to be very hard.
Week before last, Lauren came to visit. She was my friend in middle school, but I haven't seen her in 7 years since she moved to Pennsylvania right before high school. We've kept in touch, and it was good to see her again. She's very different than the people I hang out with now. We had a lot of fun.
One more thing from the program I did this summer.
Seems recently all these people have been claiming that the apocalypse is coming. Like for 2000, and 6-6-6 or something, and then one a few months ago, and there's supposed to be one in 2012. I never believed any of them, but at the program, someone I trust talked about cycles of the world. About how every few thousand years or something the planet goes through dramatic shifts. And that some society-changing thing might be happening soon.
Which got me thinking about the massive problems facing out planet. About how we rely so heavily on the diminishing fossil fuels and about how out population is so out of control and we don't take care of our resources and we destroy habitats and fragile systems.
And a scary as it seems, it seems inevitable that things are going to change dramatically in the next few decades.
How will they change?
I want to be a writer. If things really change, writers really won't have any use. Same with people who do creative amazing stuff for a living.
A while ago I actually started planning a post-apocalyptic (or post-society) story. The classes I'm taking me now are going to help me build up that society. I 'll write more about that in a later post.
I suppose it could easily all change in my lifetime. Sigh. What can I do to help...

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