

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Free Time

So, things have been crazy around here. I have some posts I want to make about the program that I got home from last week, and I will get to them eventually... though I wanted to do them last week. -_-
You know, it used to bug me when people said they had no free time to read or write, or do stuff like that. That always bugged me. I always said to myself, "if there's something you really want to do, then MAKE time to do it!"
And now my summer vacation is almost over, and it's been so busy that I've hardly gotten any of my planned projects done. I hardly have any time, and I despise myself for thinking it. >_< And I HAVE made time to do the stuff I want, but not as much time as I wanted to. Sigh. I'm trying not to neglect my blog either.
Hey guys! Keep posting! Help me out!
But that is important. Make sure to make time to do what's important. Like you should never give up reading. Always have at least one book going, even if you're slow to get through it.
I really want to finish Katani's story (And I have to finish a Final Fantasy game Crystal lent me, since I've never played FF before. Zack is funny.)
Lots of stuff to do for mom, and we've had some family stuff planned, and we've still been helping out at my grandparents house a lot. Their hot water heater burst. One of the seams split, or something. It's a good thing it happened when we were there. We managed to suction out some of the water and bucket out the rest. I guess they have good guardian spirits for the heater to have broken while we were there to help.
Dad and I chopped some wood for them last week, and I've been stacking their wood in their woodshed. Grandma said my wood piles are beautiful. But.. I just thought that's how you were supposed to stack wood. (Like, I had to go to the dentist and orthodontist within the last few weeks, and they both said I have beautiful teeth. Which makes me think... do they say that to everyone who had braces?) Anyway, Grandma said that some of her neighbors want me to do their wood pile for them.
Actually, that's kind of cool. Stacking wood is rather meditative. I never would have thought of earning money that way... Just gotta make sure that the wood pile hasn't been sitting around so long that black widows have made their homes in it. O_O

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