

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Big Evil Stuff

So, on Monday I have a big project due about Portuguese Onshore Whaling. I originally chose this topic because I thought the main project site was relatively near my house (compared to the other sites, at least). I then discovered that there are TWO project sites for my topic, and while one is relatively near, the other is one of the farthest sites. But that lead to a fun little trip over spring break (where I had my very first clam chowder, and in a bread bowl too!) so that was okay.
Then on Monday I discovered that the paper is twice as long as I thought it was. Every paper I've written for college has been double-spaced, so I assumed this one was too. Not so. This one happens to be single spaced. Who assigns a damn single-spaced paper?
So, I've been working a lot on the paper, and will be doing nothing but this paper until Monday. Plus it's a sad topic because of some of the accounts I've read about the poor whales. TT^TT
I've found a couple ways to distract myself (like my blog), but I should be able to finish in time to get the stuff bound properly. I've been trying to harass Nick and Nicole online for company, but I guess they're busy too. Crystal chatted with me a couple nights ago.
Oh yeah. Same day my paper is due, my next short story for my fiction class is due. I pretty much finished that. Once I get the rest of Crystal's comments, I'll do one last quick revision.
I have a post I'd like to do about my fiction class that I've been sitting on, plus something about the English program in general. Either I'll wait until after my paper (I've already put the one off for a few weeks) or maybe I'll use them as a break from my paper later on.
And the week after this paper, I have a big assignment due for my solar home design class. Then it's a few weeks until my last research paper, so I should be able to calm down for a little while.

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