

Friday, April 27, 2012


Kinda had this random idea a couple days ago. So I sketched it up really quick now that all of my largest projects have been turned in. The last paper I turned in on Thursday was quite a surprise. Although I did all of my research beforehand, I wrote the entire thing the night before, as well as editing an essay due for another class. And somehow I got full marks for it. But it was only graded out of 25 points. That's half the number of points as all of our smaller assignments throughout the rest of the semester (he's written exactly 4 math problems that make sense. Unfortunately he's given us 18 of them). So I wonder if the assignments together counted for a smaller percentage than the paper, or if the paper really was that small. Either way, nice to know, I suppose.
I actually finished this a while ago, but Hadn't put it up yet. More practice, basically. Her mane's too short. I've almost got the pattern done though. Mainly gotta make the neck thicker and the head smaller so the head doesn't flop around.

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