

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Emperor Kazuhi and the Lieutenant

Another picture of some of my characters. This time Emperor Kazuhi, the leader of Reyu. One of the characters in Katani's story.
The woman doesn't have a name yet. But she's a lieutenant (maybe) in the army and she eventually ends up marrying Kazuhi. Throughout the first draft the story, I had absolutely no plans for Kazuhi getting married. Mainly because I wanted to be lazy and have it happen mysteriously after the story ended.
Which is a terrible thing to do. And it must be fixed! So, I started trying to figure out who he'd marry. Some people might consider 38 a bit old to marry, especially for an emperor, but too bad! He had to find the right person. The wedding will probably still happen after the book, but I'll be including some of this woman in the book.

In the picture, she's saying that she's got Kazuhi on a short leash. Since at the beginning of the story, Kazuhi's dragon partner, Chao (must draw him) teases that everyone wants Kazuhi on a short leash.
I made Mom and Dad pose for this picture. Heheh.

Fact of the Day: A while ago in China, if anyone besides the emperor wore a five-toed dragon on their clothes, they would be put to death.

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