

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Background Action

So, although it's not really late, I'm sharing a room with Mom, who's sleeping about four feet away from me. I didn't think she got up that early, but apparently she's really tired. Though she wasn't the one playing volleyball in the crazy dry heat all day (though the heat could have been infinitely worse). So I'm pretty tired too. And staring at a bright laptop screen in a dark room really sucks, even when the screen's turned down all the way.
We're up in Nevada City, at the Ananda Village.
There's a professional film being made, with a real Hollywood actress as the protagonist, and some other professional actors involved as well. I don't know most of the details yet, but I'll keep ya posted. And it's too dark to look up the main actress's name. So you'll get that tomorrow.
Although I'd happily be proved wrong, I don't think this movie will be in most theaters. Again, I'll keep you posted. I'm sure it's got a ways to go before it's officially released.
Anyway, most of this film is being shot up at the Ananda Village. They needed extras, so Mom and I came up to help during the weekend.
When Mom was organizing things, she discovered that there is going to be a volleyball game taking place in the background during one of the scenes we're helping with. So she signed me up to play voleyball.
I was excited, because volleyball is one of the few sports I'm decent at, but I really only ever play it when I come up to the Ananda Village. The last time I took part in a real game (or at least, a full team of decent players playing mostly by the rules) was summer of last year.
When we arrived at the set, they told me that I wasn't supposed to be on the volleyball team. Apparently the guy Mom talked to didn't pass on the information that I was signed up. Which was really annoying, because I'd so been looking forward to playing volleyball. Even if it was really how and dry out, and the field/court had no shade.
But Mom and I checked in with a couple people, and they said that I could be on the team. So I went back and told the lady that seemed to be organizing the volleyball stuff.
We played a few games as warm-up.
And then the lady came up and said that I shouldn't be on the team because I wasn't good enough.
What the hell! I'd only hit the ball a few times! I know I'm not an expert! But none of the other players are either. Sure, I missed some and sent some flying in odd directions. EVERYONE ELSE DID TOO. Many times. And I got in some good hits too.
Really frustrated this time, since they'd already tried to kick me out once.
As I left to figure out what I should do now, I ran into Asha. She's one of the two head people at the Ananda nearest my house. I know her a bit, and was talking to her earlier about how excited I was to do volleyball. So she asked me why I was looking for a new place. I told her they kicked me out.
I went and sat under a tree to read a book, figuring that that was how I'd appear in the background. Then Asha came up and said that she'd get me back into the game, since I'd come all the way up here to play volleyball.
And she did. A few minutes later, another woman came up to me and said that I was to tell the "volleyball woman" (whose name I don't know) that I was going to play volleyball. She must have had significant authority. Because although the volleyball lady was reluctant, she let me join the team.
Thank you, Asha TT^TT
I got to play my volleyball.
And I'm not that freaking bad at volleyball. But I think that lady was doing some sort of silent protest. Because only once during the entire five-hours on-and-off playing did she directly pass me the ball. And she only let me be setter maybe once or twice. I admit that I'm not the best setter. But this isn't a profesional game! We're just background noise! And can't you be more subtle about trying to exclude me? Sheesh! What un-Ananda like behavior!
The rest of the team was good. And we got some really good games going too. And everyone made plenty of mistakes. Including me. But everyone made a ton of amazing moves. Including me.
So, yeah. I had to fight to get my yearly volleyball in. Though I couldn't have gotten it without Asha.
As to the rest of the film stuff.
Most of the people were sitting at tables in front of the market. This was supposed to be a simulation of the Friday pizza nights. Except it's Saturday. And none of it was at night. It was from about 1:00 to 6:00.
But the market was spruced up really nice.
Mom was standing under the porch during most of the shoots. Which didn't look fun. That area was turning into something of a greenhouse.
They had people timed to walk or bike past in the background. They re-shot the first scene a bunch of times. So these two little girls biked past us over and over.
They started cameras a ton of times for each scene. I guess cause they need so many takes. No idea how many separate scenes they shot. Since I was in the field playing volleyball, I didn't see any of the actual acting and scenes.
But at the end, they came and took a closer-up video of us playing volleyball. Which, of course, was after all of us were hot, sweaty, sunburned, and grass-stained. I had green smeared all over one of my favorite pairs of pants. --_-- And I was stupid and dumped a bunch of water on my head right before they did the close-up of us. So there were big wet spots on my shirt.
I smothered my shoulders and chest in sunscreen. I'd gotten my shoulders and neck pretty well burned/tanned over the summer, but I decided to be safer this time. Though I completely forgot about my lips, so they got all burned. They feel all funky and hot. Even though I've currently got chapstick all over them. Hopefully it'll help.
I think we had a lot more fun than the people sitting at the tables, eating pizza (especially because we got to eat some pizza too!).
We're going to help with a couple scenes tomorrow, so I'll let ya know how that goes.

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