

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Rise of the Guardians

So, just got back from watching Rise of the Guardians.
It was pretty good!
It was the kind of thing I needed.
I got home yesterday evening, tired, with a headache and a burnt tongue and sore throat. This was the kind of movie that perked me up. There are some movies that leave you feeling light after the first time you see them. And I've noticed that it never really works quite as much your second time, and as many times after that.
It gave me the energy to continue working on my very last paper.
And after I got out, it was one of the times where the cold felt really nice. So I pulled off my jacket and enjoyed it.

So, can you guess who my favorite character was?
It's hard to miss all the Jack Frost fan art all over DA. And I did like Jack a lot. He was a very cool character and I like his design.
The little tooth fairy hummingbirds were really cute too!
And the reindeer were cool! Wish there were more of them.
The yetis were neat too. Though they looked a bit like large, round, gray loraxes.
The night mares were cool! I used to have a night shirt that said "night mares" on it, with pictures of black horses bounding around it. I loved that shirt. I wore it every night until it started to fall apart. I still have it hidden away, for nostalgia purposes. My night mares protected me from nightmares. ^-^
But my favorite character. I can tell you've been waiting with bated breath. So here it is!
The Easter Bunny!
Hell yeah!
With Watership Down as one of my favorite books, and a rabbit living in my room, how could he not be?
An awesome, boomerang-throwing, kick-ass Easter Bunny!
Plus a really cool design! And he was funny too.
And the little one! Awwwwwwww!!! It was so cute and fluffy! You know you wanted to hug it.
I kinda wished they called him something else besides Bunny all the time. Couldn't they give him a name?
Man, this is really going to ruin Wolverine's reputation.

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