

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Family Camp

So, been away for the week, again. Got home from Japan, spent the week painting our front poch, and then left again for another week. And once I get home, I have a week to spend with my Portland cousins, who are visiting (actually, I'm going to miss the family party, so that makes me sad. TT^TT )
Now I'm volunteering at the Family Camp up at the Ananda Retreat in the woods.
It just ended this morning, and the internet is back up. XP
I've been getting a lot of writing done! And the camp was a lot of fun too.
I forget if I posted much about this on the blog. But I did that writing program up here last summer, right? And I applied for the writer's residency grant that went along with the program . I got second place, though, so didn't get to do it.
But it turns out that the guy who actually won chose this week to come up and write. So I get to meet the person who beat me out. Heheh. He's working on poetry. And he's from the midwest, and not part of Ananda. So I guess the grant was a lot more open and wide-spread than I thought. I wonder how many people actually applied...
Oh well. At least I got Saturday and Sunday last week to write, and I have all of today and tomorrow too (since the camp ended kinda early). And I have been getting a lot of writing done, even though I didn't win the Residency Grant. So it's all good.

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