

Monday, June 19, 2017

Change is Ever-Present, but Still Scary

Well, I've been on the job hunt for a while now.
I've probably done a pretty poor job, because I've bee too picky in the positions that I apply for. Especially considering that I want to work with animals, and there's a lot of competition for those kinds of jobs around here.

And now the job that I least expected to get seems to be the job that wants me.

Everything's moving so fast, it's making my head spin. I just found out today that they have officially hired me. Originally they wanted me by the end of the month. But it turns out they now want me there this Saturday.
It's not close to home. I'll be living there. In one of the most beautiful places on the planet. Working with horses.
It's incredible.
And I still can't really wrap my head around it.

My priorities are pretty weird.
For example, I really don't want to leave my cat.
And I feel so bad that I'll be missing visits from some of my relatives over the summer. But I'll try to make it home to visit them for at least a couple days.

I'll be away for about three months. It's a tourist season job.
I'm technically close enough that I could vdrive there and back in one day (to visit home), but it would be around 8 hours for a round trip. So I'll probably only come home a couple times.

It's amazing. And also pretty scary, considering I've never been away from home for more than a month. And I've never lived away from home.
So, this will be some good experience (and did I mention scary?).

I still only have a vague idea about my living situation.
And about a lot of other things.

Whoo. Big stuff. And I only have about four days to plan.

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