

Friday, October 6, 2017

Flood of Crazy People

So, this summer has been full of human chaos. More than I've ever dealt with.
And amazingly only a fraction of it came from guiding trail rides with people who have never been on a horse before.

In books or movies, sometimes you'll see a character that mutters nasty stuff under his breath, as if no one can hear him.
Well, I actually met someone like that. I worked with him during the summer.
This guy dragged quite a bit of chaos in his wake. One example: He managed to flip our golf cart over. And this golf cart is incapable of driving over 25 miles per hour. And yes, he did get hurt, but luckily it wasn't serious.

Also this summer, I discovered a guy that I really want to punch in the face. I've never met anyone that I wanted to punch before. And he would so freaking deserve it. My god... I just pray he didn't do any lasting damage to that poor kid.

And while I don't swear (at least not in public) there are a couple that I really want to cuss out.

Among other stuff.
I guess the overall thing is that I'm far too trusting of people.
That guy I want to punch in the face? I originally liked him. And that concerns me a lot.

Also, half of the people I worked with hate kids and Asians.

They hate kids because kids are almost never able to control their animal. They're just not strong enough.
And they hate Asians because, in their view at least, Asian people don't speak English, and they also can't seem to control their horses.
Which ignores the fact that there were plenty of non-Asian people who couldn't speak English. And plenty of Asians that spoke perfect English because, you know, Asian people live in America too.
And there were plenty of Non-Asians who had absolutely no control over their animals.

An actual conversation (with the inevitable curse words cut out):

Old Cowboy: Chinese don't know anything about horseback riding. They're all samurai.
Me: Samurai are Japanese.
Old cowboy: Whatever.

Yeah, in a nutshell.
I mean, that conversation is a blatant lack of respect for other cultures.
I get that it makes your job harder when people can't speak English. You need to give them instructions and look after them on the trail. But do you really have to be a jerk about it?
At least most of the Asians that rode with us had some understanding of English. I bet if he ever went to another country, he wouldn't bother to learn any of the language.

This resulted in me trying to take look after the Asians and kids, so they wouldn't be guided by someone who is secretly disgusted by them.
Probably a dumb, futile gesture. I'm good at those.

Generally, folks, it's better if you don't hate your customers, yeah?
Your customers are the reason you have a job.

In other news, over the summer I got to talk to people from all of these countries (and more):

United Kingdom

Not to mention states all over the country.
It's super cool hearing about where people are from and what their travels have been like. So many people do these awesome California road trips. Now I want to do one too.

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