

Monday, March 12, 2018

Top Ten Disney Movies

If you were to ask me what my favorite Disney movie was, I would say Lion King, Pocahontas, and Beauty and the Beast.

Except that's not really true. Those are my three favorite traditionally animated musicals. I say those just because it's easier than going into more depth.
If you count traditionally animated non-musicals, then you'd have to add Atlantis and Treasure Planet.

And then if you add digital animation, then Frozen and Big Hero Six jump into the mix.

Plus Finding Nemo, from Pixar.

I love many others. These are all animations, since I'm a sucker for them, but there are plenty of awesome live action ones too.

This was all relevant a few months ago.
But now if you'd ask, I'll say that my favorite Disney movie is Coco.

(It takes a lot of self control to not fill my blog with Hector gifs)

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