

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Dragons will Always be Popular

A family friend read some of my dragon story. They said it was good, but they only read part of it because they said that dragon stories are dead.
I can't help but scoff at that. Seriously, dragons have been in fantasy stories since the beginning. "The Hobbit" had dragons back in the 1930's.

And in the 1960's, "The Dragonriders of Pern" made it cool to ride dragons and befriend them.

It's not like dragons have gotten any less popular. I mean the third How to Train your Dragon is about to come out (I don't think it's out yet, is it?).

Maybe some people aren't as eager to publish dragon stories because too many people want to write dragon stories. But that seems to be a different story altogether.

I'd bet my hat (and every hat in the country) that dragon stories aren't going anywhere.

In an unrelated note, here's some more zoo photos! I've stopped trying to relate my photos to blog posts. I just want to share cute animals with you XP

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