

Friday, May 31, 2019


There's a very important occupation I use in my stories.
No, it's not like RPG rangers that go out into the wilderness with bows and arrows and do tracking and stuff.

It's more like park rangers. They they have more authority and respect than they do in our world, and they are active in many more places.

Some of their many duties include:
Helping take care of orphaned/injured animals
Preventing humans from harassing animals
Stopping poachers
Preventing people from building in certain areas (sacred areas, nesting areas, etc)
Preventing people from cutting down trees or taking plants (some harvesting is fine - it's when people get greedy that it becomes damaging)
Restoring damaged wilderness areas
Making sure new development is the least destructive possible
Educating people
Helping people in trouble
And a number of other strange things that come up, which can vary widely in popular areas.

Or course they have whole teams of people in charge of these. They aren't usually as understaffed as many places in our world are (all the poaching sneaking in some parks, for example in Africa to kill elephants, because it's hard to protect such huge tracts of land).

Katani actually becomes a ranger after his story. He and Tyra help stop illegal fishing.
And there's a ranger that helps a lot in Arrin's story as well.

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