

Friday, August 27, 2021

Reading Update

 Tortall: A Spy's Guide, by Pierce

A guide book to the Tortall world. As usual, I'm fascinated reading these sorts of fantasy guides. It tells me what kinds of stuff I need to think about for my own worlds. And it brought back memories of so many books I read as a kid! I should re-read my favorites. I've forgotten so much.

Powersat, by Bova

A story of terrorists hijacking technology that should have been used for good. I'm not quite sure how to take it. I think it's meant to be in favor of clean energy? Also, the bad guys seem to be bad not just because they're terrorists, but because they're middle eastern. Probably because this came out soon after 9-11. But it still made me angry.


The Water Margin: Outlaws of the Marsh, by Naian

This one took me so long to finish XD It's so huge that I had to read it a bit at a time.It's an old classic from China. I understand how old it is, and how different that culture must have been. But I still got so upset about how little value life had. "Oh, we killed your wife and child. Sorry about that. We'll get you a new wife."

Voyage of the Frog, by Paulsen

I've read some of his books, like the Hatchet series and a couple others. I thought this one would be kinda bland because it was such a small book. But it was good! (Never judge a book by its cover!) It also helps that I read his biography, and I now know that he has experienced a lot of this crazy stuff himself!

Gorillas in the Mist, by Fossey

About studying gorillas in the wild. There's even a movie about her. I haven't seen it in a while, but I wonder if she was as strange as they made her out. 

The Hidden Half of Nature, by Montgomery and Bikle

All about the microorganisms that help life exist. It's easy to forget that people only learned about these tiny creatures pretty recently.

Robots and Empire, by Asimov

 I finished the series. Some parts of it I liked. But Bailey never seemed very good at interrogating. His technique is to badger the witnesses until they got pissed and tried to hurt him. Huh. 

I get that this was written in a different time, but some stuff still drives me crazy. And not just his views on women. But the fact that their ultimate goal is to fill up all parts of the galaxy with humans. Ugh, as if humans aren't invasive enough as it is.

The Plague Dogs, byAdams

I knew this book would be depressing, because I'd seen the movie. But the book had a very... different ending. It felt more like a gag ending. Or something from a fanfiction.  It did not fit the rest of the story. Though it left a much better taste in your mouth, I guess. 

The Maine Woods, by Thoreau

Maaan, this book makes me desperate to get out in the woods. I wish I still had a place I could explore without fear of getting in trouble for trespassing or something. TT^TT


Finally finished! A book of Japanese poetry. A lot of them were really beautiful. I love how so much image can fit into so few words. 

The Big Rock Candy Mountain, by Stegner

This book... stressed me out. I probably wouldn't have finished  it if I hadn't quit a different book directly before.

Innocent Killers, by Jane Goodall

I love Jane Goodall's books! She's a great writer and has done so much for our world. This book was mostly about animals that a lot of people hate - hyenas, jackals, and painted dogs.  She wants us to appreciate them for their amazing qualities - not for their bad reputations. 

Actually, half of it was written by her then husband. It sounded like they were going to work on another similar book, but I guess it never came to be.

Mistborn: The Final Empire, by Sanderson

Oooh, this is the first really good fantasy I've read in a while. I pray the rest of the series stays good! I'm half way through the second book right now.  And so far it does not disappoint! The author has built such a real-feeling world. And he does an amazing job of making you think that all is lost, and then they somehow find a way of snatching victory despite that.

Reason for Hope, by Jane Goodall

Yet another amazing Jane Goodall book. It had so many amazing tales and ideas - definitely recommend. 

Seven Years in Tibet, by Harrer

This was way different from the movie. And it was very good. It's amazing to learn about how Tibet was before it was invaded.

Animals make us Human, by Grandin

Her animal books are amazing. She does a great job explaining why animals do things that seem strange to us.

The Future is Japanese, by Mamatas and Washington

Short scifi stories from Japan. I've read some other stories translated from Japanese, and this translation felt a lot more fluid that most.

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