

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Analysis Urge

Uh-oh. I'm getting the urge to analyze another cartoon. This time Beauty and the Beast, maybe because I just watched bonus features about it. I've never been interested in analyzing movies I grew up with. I think it's harder for me to see them, sine they're so ground into my memory. But there hasn't been anything new that's hooked my analysis interest.

But I'm not going to analyze either the cartoon, or the live-action Beauty and the Beast. I've already talked about how I like the cartoon better. Though I do like the live action more after seeing it a couple times (it took me a while to warm to it, since I rarely like remakes. But finding out that Beast is Scarlemagne helped. I love listening to him sing. And I love that Hermione became Belle. The characters have such a similar heart to them). 

Actually, I will say one thing about the live action. I wish they hadn't made the curse turn everyone into actual dead objects. It kind of distracted from the ending. It's supposed to be heartbreaking that Beast dies. But then they have to go and kill off everyone else too? It takes away from the tragedy that should be the focus. Plus, that would be a really evil witch, to basically kill everyone just because they happened to live near the prince that was a jerk.

So, what's making me stressed to want to start analyzing another movie? 

Well, it's just the last problem flaring up again. The people who have been acting like jerks behaved for a few months. Now they're at it again. Which means that it's not going to stop.


It's not a good sign when you have to tell someone that they're being hurtful and insulting. Especially if it's someone you work with. 

 Now, there are all sorts of people you work with. Some closely, some distantly. Of course, this is the worst when it's someone you work closely with. And if it's more than one person? It doesn't feel nice to say it. But if a person is being hurtful and insulting, they need to be called out on it. Whether or not they realize that's how they're behaving. No one else is going to stand up for you. 

Anyway,  I just sent out another email (I think this is the third such email since this all started) calling them out on it.We'll see what happens tomorrow. Or if I'll be able to sleep tonight.

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