

Sunday, January 29, 2023

Reindeers are Better on Stage

For Christmas, Nick got tickets to the Frozen stage play.  And he invited me along. I was excited that they had a live orchestra. And of course they had a whole choir.Live music is the best.

Although I think the best feature was the awesome reindeer. Sven was beautiful.

 I didn't expect it to be so different from the movie. They changed the order of things so that Let it Go would lead to intermission. Which makes sense (a blatant steal of Defying Gravity! But let's face it - Let it Go always was. And they're both freaking awesome songs). The play had relatively little dialogue and they added a ton of songs. Plus they took out some songs. And Anna was more extreme in her weirdness (the little girl that played kid Anna was amazing).

I also didn't expect a full nude song and dance.

 The singers were good, but not fantastic. Though that didn't stop me from singing "Summertime" during intermission. The people sitting nearby just ignored me. And Nick's used to me being weird. 

It's fascinating to see how they adapt a story for stage, though I think they changed this one more than usual (maybe? I only know a few stage plays). 

Of course on the drive out, we listened to the original Frozen soundtrack.

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