

Monday, September 5, 2011

Baby Mewtwo and Distances

So, today I finally got around to a project I've been meaning to do.
On Soreina, my dragon planet, I've been wondering how large the continents and oceans are. A while ago, I looked up the circumference of Earth and the width of America and the Pacific Ocean, ex. So today I wrote rough estimates for the width of the three Soreina continents as well as the oceans between the continents. It's kind of nice to have that down finally.

I've been trying to intersperse stuff about my stories in with all these other random posts I've been putting up.
So, I finally painted the baby Mewtwo I made earlier this summer. Here he is.
Awww. Baby Mewtwo. I'll have to include him in my fanfic eventually because I looves him. And I have it all set up also.

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