

Saturday, March 17, 2012

The Lorax and Arrietty

So, I went and saw the Lorax today. I love the book, and the movie was pretty good. Could have done without some of the songs I guess (although I liked "Let it Grow," and "How Bad Can I Be" was interesting too), but overall I liked it. Very colorful. And it's a good environmental movie. Don't judge me if I cry when they cut down the last Truffula tree. TT^TT (Or knock down Home Tree).
I liked their view on big businesses. Especially the bottled air. It's completely true too. We just watched a video about bottled water. It's infinitely more expensive that tap water. The quality is no better (the standards for tap water are higher than for bottled water). And bottled water is TERRIBLE to the environment.
I liked the way they did the Once-ler. He wasn't a bad person, but he got corruputed by greed, like so many successful people do.
Made me want to draw a picture of the main characters from all the good environmental movies (mainly cartoons) like Princess Mononoke, Avatar, Pocahontas, Fern Gully, and so on. And Fern could be standing there, and the caption would say something dramatic like "I am Fern and we speak for the trees!"
There don't seem to be many good movies about the environment, especially ones kids can enjoy. And they're mostly about "don't cut down trees." Sigh. That's a good theme, but there's so much more than that.

Also, I don't think I ever wrote about seeing the Ghibli Arrietty movie in Theaters. I wrote about it when I watched it on the computer, but never about the English version.
Not a bad dub. It bugged me that they changed the names. And the original Arrietty theme is really pretty. Not only that, but the artist wrote an English version. And yet they put in some random pop song during the ending title. So, go listen to the REAL ending of "The Secret Life of Arrietty." Although, they didn't butcher this ending song as much as they did Ponyo's. That still @!$$#$ me off that they turned Ponyo's theme into a rap song. Not once have I been able to force myself to listen to the entire thing. I've tried to listen to it, but I can't stand it and always turn it off before I get to the end. Ugh. Damn you, Disney. Stop trying to change things.

With both the Lorax and Arrietty, the theater was full of kids, which made things fun. You got to hear them laugh and everything. During Arrietty especially, there was what seemed like a whole classroom. And when they rescued Arrietty's Mom, this tiny little girl cheered. It was adorable.
I guess the next movie to see is The Hunger Games. Hope they do a good job.

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