

Monday, March 5, 2012

Out of Print

It finally came! I got my book in the mail! After a couple weeks of diligent searching, I finally found a good copy of the first book of Twelve Kingdoms for only $10! Wahahahah! Can't wait to start reading it. I wish I didn't have so many projects due in the next couple weeks...
I don't think books should ever go out of print. It always seems very sad to me. I think as long as there are people who want to read a book, they should be able to get a copy without too much hassle.
They should also do that with figures and stuff. There are figures from older series that I'd really like, but they're insanely expensive because they're old. And not all of them are even high quality. They should keep a cast of them around in case someone wants to order another one. That would be awesome.
We should never let people discontinue making awesome things.

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