

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Everyone's Pretty

Still been going through quite a few books. I still have a lot left to get through though. Sigh. Probably because I was stupid and got some more at the used bookstore. I'm addicted to used bookstores...
But I just read a book that I liked a lot. I thought I'd talk about some of the books I've been reading. The more interesting ones, at least.
Now that I'm looking at my list, there haven't really been that many worth talking about... sigh.
Some more books for school, which have environmental themes. Most of them weren't really worth mentioning.
I read (listened to on CD, actually) Little Women. I liked that book.
Another one I listened to is called Flight Behavior. This is an environmental-themed book, so I guess it counts as homework. I had to read a book from this author in high school. I didn't like it. I suppose I am a lot more tolerant of books now, because I didn't find this one bad. There were parts I liked, but it's not a style I'm really into, I guess. It's definitely well written though. Anyway, this one is about monarch butterflies, and how they changed a woman's life.

I started reading a series by Garth Nix called the Seventh Tower. The books are pretty short, so it looks like it will go by fast. I just finished the second book. It's pretty interesting, but I don't have any real strong opinions on it yet. I'll see what happens when I get further.
There was a book called The World Without Us, which was a research book for my thesis story. It's basically a bunch of theories about what would happen to the earth if all human beings suddenly disappeared. There was some interesting stuff in it. Most of it wasn't helpful to me. Heh.
Yeah, I'll just skip ahead to the one that I really liked. It's a book called Uglies. It takes place far in the future, long after normal society has collapsed (Actually, it collapsed in a way very much like the story I'm working on for my thesis). Now humans live in separated cities, and when everyone turns 16 they get an operation that turns them beautiful. That way no one will get into fights depending on what people look like. Except that's not all the operation does, though no one knows it. One of the things I liked about this book was that the ending wasn't what I expected. Yaay for not being totally predictable~ It leaves a lot of questions so it feels like they could do another book to resolve a lot of stuff. But they don't need to either.
Of course, there are still plenty of things that are predictable that I enjoy, but it's nice not to be able to predict everything. ^-^
And right now I'm reading Miyazaki's book, Starting Point. So far, it's mainly a collection of essays he's written, or talks he's given or such. Not all of them are interesting, but there are definitely parts that I do find fascinating. And even some pieces of the book tht I can use in my big literature review for my thesis project. So it's also homework. Yaay~
Ellen, you should read this book. It's got a lot of stuff about animation.
And I recommend Uglies!

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