

Friday, June 5, 2015

Cataloging a World

A long time ago, probably several years, I started making a sort of guide for Magic-Earth. I did this because I had so much information about the magical world I was writing for Briena. The workings of magic, the magical school, and the palces they visited.
And I also did it because I really love the books that give you a lot of information about mythical places, and creatures. I have a book of Star Wars creatures, and a few other books on dragons. They're like guide books to distant lands, and I really wanted one for my worlds.

I wrote quite a bit about Magic-Earth as I was working on Briena's stories, but there is still a lot of information I'd like to type out properly. And I haven't read the stuff I wrote years ago either, so I dont' know if there are things that I want to change.
I started writing one for Soreina too, but there is less than a page there. Mostly because I was spending most of my time on the complex systems of magic on the sister planet. But I also do have a lot of separate imformation on the dragon species, which would all go in the guide (with illustrations).
I haven't actually opened either of these in probably a couple years Because I was more interested in working on stories than typing out stuff that I'd already mentioned a long time ago. But I opened the Magic-Earth guide up today, and worked on it some.
I'd like to do more of this soon. I have given very little thought to Magic-Earth recently because I've been working on Katani's story in Soreina, and also Ashlyn's story from Technology-Earth.
It was fun to start thinking about the foundations of the magic system again.

I have so much more information I can add now. There's the big obvious stuff like dragon species and teleportation spells. But there are also smaller things, like how their plumbing works if they don't have technology. And whether or not they have toothbrushes. These smaller things would probably be very similar between Magic-Earth and Soreina. A lot of this probably wouldn't go in a guide that I shared with anyone else, but it would be a very helpful log for me, where I could reference and add little details of my worlds.

I'm wondering how long these two guides are going to be when I'm done... And when I will have all of my information actually typed out.

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