

Thursday, March 17, 2016

I Wonder if this is Normal

Commission: The Emperor and his fiancee by meomeongungu on DeviantArt ...
Gonna start this off with some beautiful art, so I'll be happy when I look at it. It's a commission I couldn't resist ordering. The original is hanging over my bed).
My two favorite characters from Katani's story~
Probably most of you can guess who they are.

Yeah. Yet another bomb my school has dropped on me last week.
I should resist ranting about it. But after all this, I get rather anxious every time I see an email from one of my advisers.
Are graduate projects often like this? Because I've heard a lot of horror stories about them...

After these bombs, I have started burying myself in Undertale art and music. Heheh. It's a good distraction.
It fills me with determination.

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