

Saturday, March 12, 2016


I've had some time to work on Evva's story recently.
And I finally got to introduce my favorite character.
I knew even before I started writing that Sol would be my favorite character in the story (Unlike Lukas, who I only realized was my favorite after my second draft XD ).

As I was writing the first encounter with Sol, I realized that he probably wasn't shining brightly enough (no, I did not originally intend that pun). That's not particularly unusual. First drafts are always pretty lame on many counts.

But it also got me thinking about how to bring out Sol's character. I know I love him, but how do I make other people love him? How do I make him unique, so that he's not just a generic "nice guy"?
What quirks can I give him, which at the same time don't make him seem too quirky?

Since I'm going in to this knowing he's my favorite, it feels like extra pressure.
I'll keep thinking about it. I have plenty of time, since these are the kinds of problems I usually don't start to fix until the second draft.

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