

Friday, March 25, 2016


I've mentioned before that they torn down a racetrack by the traintracks. And for a few years, it was an empty lot.
Instead of a place for people to do stuff. They just left it a big empty lot of dirt and garbage.

The last couple years, when it rained, a really pretty pond would form in a dug-out area. And cattails would row there, and ducks would swim in it.

Not anymore.

Now they're filling the huge massive plot with row upon row of apartment buildings.
Traffic is terrible enough already. During traffic, it can take 45 minutes to reach a place that's 10-15 minutes away.
When these new apartments are filled, I can't even imagine how much worse it will be.
What are the developers thinking? The place is too crowded already. Stop cramming more people in.

Developers don't care about any of this stuff. Not the resulting traffic. Not the cool horse track that used to be here. Not the pretty duck pond that would appear in the winter.

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