

Friday, April 22, 2016


If you want to get a book published, then you need an agent to help you find a publisher.
And if you want to find an agent, you need to write a query letter.
The query letter must be a radiant example of your writing, because the agent goes through dozens of them every day.
I knew this a very long time ago. I learned a way to write a query letter, and spent a very long time working on it. I had people look at it for me, including a couple English teachers. I was told it was fine.
Last semester, I learned that everything was a lie.
No agent would even start reading my query, because of everything about it. It was too long, for starters. And it didn't start right. They'd probably trash it just seeing what it looked like.
Which begs the question... why the hell is there so much advice about query letters that's dead wrong? And in official sources, to boot.
Stop lying to poor writers. It's hard enough to get published without misinformation about such an important thing.

Here is the place to go to see how to improve on queries, and what a good query should look like.

I've been working to fix my query letter ever since I discovered this. I should probably go over it again soon.

I'm glad I discovered what I was doing wrong @_@ At least now I can move forward.

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