

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

The Betas

Got a draft of my project turned in last night. Phew.
So I am making the most of my free time.
I finished drawing these guys ages ago, so I'll finally introduce them.

Here are all the Betas, from Katani's story. I finished drawing all the human/dragon pairs, so the next step was to draw all of these guys.
I used them as drawing practice. Most of their poses I got from a sheet of tai chi forms.

First is Shanka (Alpha). She's the leader, and she's also one of the three viewpoint characters of the story, along with Katani and Kazuhi. This is the first time I've drawn her that she actually turned out well.
Thorn (Rose-though she hates that name, which is why she goes by Thorn) is next. Shanka and Thorn are best friends.
Then is Spike. He's probably Shan's second best friend. Close second.
Quill is next. She and Spike are siblings.
Then Shark

They're names after beta fish - Siamese fighting fish.
They're all Syrnian (not a race that exists on our world). Hence the yellow eyes, silver hair, and dark-ish skin.

Those are all nicknames, by the way. Shanka and Rose are the only real names mentioned. And Shanka is the only one who goes by her real name regularly.
Shan is Alpha because she's in charge.
Quill has porcupine quills in her hair, and decorating her clothes.
Shark has a mohawk.
Tusk has a necklace of boars tusks.
And Singe has a bunch of tattoos. A koi and a dragon-one on each arm. A beta fish on each shoulder. Two sharks twining across his back and down around his sides. You can see them peeking out below his vest.
Maybe I should try to draw his tattoos in more detail.

Every time I think I'm done drawing the characters of Katani's story, I find more. I need to draw the other palace dragon. I should draw her together with Chao.

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