

Friday, May 19, 2017

Endless Reworking

I've lost count of how many times I've rewritten Katani's first chapter.
I guess it's getting better each time. But no matter how good it feels as I'm writing, it never feels as good when I come back to it.
Every time I fix something, it manages to knock some other aspect out of whack.

First chapters are hard, since they need to set everything up in a clear and exciting way.
But yeesh.

Since there are four characters that get introduced in this chapter, I try to keep it clear who's talking. Which means that I say their names too much.
I try to bring out the character through dialogue. And then there's not enough description of other stuff.
I try to spread out the description of how the organization works. Which leaves people wondering about it during the first chapter. Should I try to fit more description in that chapter, or should I trust that people will be patient and wait until the next chapter?

These are some of the questions that have me spinning in crazy circles.

Anyway, I visited my creative writing class and they let me read a chapter. I got some good comments, despite my whining XP
I wish there was some way to find out of you're actually close.

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